Wednesday, February 11, 2009


When you meet someone you think your going to spend the rest of your life with and you have no doubt in your mind, this is an truly unique feeling. No one person has the exact feeling about their special someone, but when you get that feeling you can't ignore it. That stomach in knots,butterflies kinda feeling you get everytime you see that person. I personally haven't had that feeling yet, being that I'm only in eigth grade and all, but i can't wait to find that person to share it with. Not everyone can find the right person when they think their "ready" for them. They may want to meet someone young and make a family in the near future, but that might not always be the best choice for them. If they need to finish school or prosper in their job a little more. I have this friend who is sixteen and claims to be "in love." She is with a guy who treats her like royality and loves her constantly, a real gentleman and just the perfect guy I guess. Some girls would absoutly die to be with a guy like him, but I think he is a complete pig. You may be wondering why I am saying this about the "perfect gentleman," well he is so not! When we are somewhere in public (he checks to see that my friend isn't looking first)he is checking out girls behinds and giving them his number on paper napkins. Way ridiculous, I know, I couldn't beleive it either the first time i saw him do it. When I told my friend she said I was jelous of what special relationship they have, whatever. Now guess what, he brokeup with her because "she wasn't doing anything for him" or some crap like that. I tried to tell her but when you find "the one" you don't really pay attention to reality. All I got to say about this subject is be careful wjth who you choose and when you have chosen cherish it, because it may only last for a short period in your lifetime.

Love and God Bless,


Steve Hawley said...

It is even more exciting if you name names! Good luck with your writing!
God bless,
Coach Hawley
Luke 18:1
*Captain of the Love Board!

Faith and Love said...

HEY! I didn't know you did blogging too! We can be blogging sistas! I loved it! I can SO relate to it! Luv Ya!