Tuesday, February 24, 2009

3 People Relationships

I have these friends at school(can't name names) who are totally awsome, I have a good time when ever I'm around them but there are always those certian times when some type of drama happens. Their is this couple that have been going out for six months or so and they have had their hard times every once in a while, like every other relationship throughout history. When their relationship started their has been this one girl, who we chill with, that has been the third person in this relationship. This couple is in seperate classes so the only time they get to see each other is at lunch or after school, most likely after school. I totally understand how they feel when they want some privacy every once in a while, and this Miss Nosie can't comprehend that. The girl asked me to tell her to back off for a little while and give them space, when I did she backed off for about five minutes then walked back over to the couple. Then the guy finally had enough........ he started to yell and say," can't you get a life and get out of ours..." stuff like that. I was hoping that it wouldn't come to this but they finally had enough of her nosiness. She walked off all flustered and had the weekend to cool off, and so did everyone else. On Monday the whole ordeal started back up again when Miss Nosie came and created drama before the bell rang, I looked at the girl and we knew exactly what was about to go down, and it wasn't going to be pretty! Then came the infamous texting war between both girls, this ended with Miss Nosie "needing to take a break" from a relationship she had nothing to do with. Other messages sent and recieved: " you are so wrapped around his finger"; " it is so pathetic how you rely only on him", and many more. Have you ever had a "Miss Nosie" in your life, I'm sure you have, it's hard not to. Don't get me wrong I love these people but be realistic!!! You don't have to rely on your boyfriend, use someone elses relationship when you don't have your own, or lose your temper over something that could be a two second conversation. The main point is don't make something that is nothing, you don't even have to get angry just see the other persons point of view and talk about it, DON'T HAVE A COW!!!

Quote for today:
"Drama,Drama,Drama; got to love it, only if it has nothing to do with you!"
Kaitlyn Vickery

Love and God Bless,

1 comment:

Faith and Love said...

OMG!!!! I think I may know this couple! Lol